Sunday, January 11, 2015

Indisputable Proof of Bigfoot?

Bigfoot has already made headlines at least twice this year and we're only 11 days into it! A man was in northern California and claims to have captured on video what he thinks is Bigfoot. The unidentified man was using what is called a quadcopter. A quidcopter is a type of mini helicopter that is lifted and moved by four rotors. An example of one is shown in the picture below:

The photographer claims he was just testing the quadcopter out and wanted to see the video and get ideas for the day of the actual shoot. He let the copter out around Roseville, California and then returned back to his home to review the footage he got. When he saw something explainable that he thought could be Bigfoot, he sent it to a paranormal team to be reviewed. This is the footage he captured below; pay attention to the right 36 seconds in:

If you're interested in watching the video with the paranormal teams commentary and analysis then you can watch that here: 

What do you guys think? Bigfoot or some guy walking around in the woods wearing black clothes? It could pretty easily be staged with the photographer behind it all. The 'expert' at the end of the video say's it could be either, so I guess we won't know for sure!

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