Monday, January 26, 2015

New Type of Owl Discovered!

Dr Manuel Schweizer led a team of ornithologists that has discovered a new species. The new owl, newly named the Desert Tawny Owl, belongs to the earless owl genus, the Strix. Strix hadorami is the official scientific name for this owl, named after the Israeli ornithologist, Hadoram Shirihai.

This owl lives in desert areas of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Oman, Jordan, and Yemen. The Desert Tawny Owl likes rocky areas with ravines, lots of cliffs and caves for nesting and that has some vegetation.

 Image credit: © Thomas Krumenacker,

After an analysis of the pellets it looks like the diet of strix hadorami is mostly rodents, small insectivores such as shrews, gerbils, mice, etc, arthropods (scorpions, beetles) and geckos.

The Arabian population of these birds seems to be at about 3,000 pairs and in Israel about 200 pairs.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Indisputable Proof of Bigfoot?

Bigfoot has already made headlines at least twice this year and we're only 11 days into it! A man was in northern California and claims to have captured on video what he thinks is Bigfoot. The unidentified man was using what is called a quadcopter. A quidcopter is a type of mini helicopter that is lifted and moved by four rotors. An example of one is shown in the picture below:

The photographer claims he was just testing the quadcopter out and wanted to see the video and get ideas for the day of the actual shoot. He let the copter out around Roseville, California and then returned back to his home to review the footage he got. When he saw something explainable that he thought could be Bigfoot, he sent it to a paranormal team to be reviewed. This is the footage he captured below; pay attention to the right 36 seconds in:

If you're interested in watching the video with the paranormal teams commentary and analysis then you can watch that here: 

What do you guys think? Bigfoot or some guy walking around in the woods wearing black clothes? It could pretty easily be staged with the photographer behind it all. The 'expert' at the end of the video say's it could be either, so I guess we won't know for sure!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New fish found! 27,000 feet below the surface in the Pacific's Mariana Trench.

Pretty exciting whenever a new discovery is made! We can thank Aberdeen University for this latest and record breaking discovery. The discovery for this fish, which is thought to be a snailfish, sets the record for the deepest depths a fish has been found in the world. It was found at 26,722 feet or 8,145 metres. This snailfish is described by Dr Alan Jamison of Aberdeen University by saying "This really deep fish did not look like anything we had seen before, nor does it look like anything we know of. It is unbelievably fragile, with large wing-like fins and a head resembling a cartoon dog". The snailfish is only a little bit larger than the size an average persons hand and has no eyes.

                               You can see the snailfish at 1:40 in the video below.

Cryptozoological Map of the United States

Check out this awesome map of the United States. Which monsters live near you? Kipsy is living right around the bend from me. Champ isn't too far either.

Full credit for this picture goes to Loren Coleman and the International Cryptozoology Museum. You can get your own poster of the map here:

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Bigfoot... Bathing?

Starting off the new year in a weird way with this new sighting. Supposedly a retired electrician, John Rodriguez, was out fishing and spotted our furry man beast taking a bath on December 26. This sighting took place near northeast Tampa, Florida on the Hillsborough River. Rodriguez says that he often goes out fishing in this river and brings his camera to take pictures of the local wildlife. He heard a sound of someone (or something?) making its way through the water and turned to see the creature crouching down. Rodriguez is sure that it was not just a man playing a prank in a monster suit and instead some kind of unidentified animal.

Definitely looks like a Photoshop to me! What do you guys think?

Photos are taken by John Rodriguez and were from