Sunday, February 8, 2015

Has the Florida skunk ape been caught on video?

Matt M recently sent a video to Bigfoot Evidence that he took in Lettuce Lake Park. Matt originally thought the creature was a bear, but Lettuce Lake Park is a huge Hillsborough County run park where bears normally stay away from. Also the video itself does a good job at convincing the viewer that it is not a bear at all.

Matt wrote to Bigfoot Evidence saying "I was canoeing some of the swamps around Lettuce Lake Park and saw what I thought was a bear. I told a park ranger about it and she said that bears don’t generally get into the swamp and that there were never many sightings in general. I showed her the video and she said she didn’t know what it was. I saw the Fox13 story about the bigfoot a few weeks ago that mayor said Bob Buckhorn made a statement about and thought this might be related in some way. I never put much faith in the old skunk ape legends but when I looked closer I noticed that it had long, swinging arms and moved through very thick swamp with ease. Certainly can’t explain it myself. I didn’t get very close but I hope that this footage can be enlarged.


If it was a person then they would be risking their life walking in this part of Lettuce Lake Park as there are 12 foot alligators and water moccasins all around the area. 

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